Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Credit guarantee for SMEs (BMKB)
Total available budget

€640 million for banks.
€25 million non-bank financiers.

Available budget per application
Companies with a credit requirement of up to €266,667 can finance 75% of this amount through the BMKB scheme. Otherwise, the limit is a maximum of half of the credit provision. Furthermore, the maximum BMKB loan has been temporarily increased from €1 million to €1.5 million. A government guarantee of 90% applies to the BMKB credit.
Mandatory co-financing?

Through the BMKB scheme, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is partly a guarantor for companies that want to take out a loan, but cannot offer the financier enough security (‘collateral’, such as buildings or machines). BMKB is also open to Dutch companies that wish to trade internationally or with parties abroad. BMBK may not be used to invest in foreign distribution channels (distribution channels where both start and endpoints are abroad).

Target group

Dutch SME entrepreneurs, including from the creative industries.

Application conditions
  • You are registered with the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel).
  • You are an independent entrepreneur without personnel, or your company has fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of no more than €50 million and/or an annual balance sheet less than or equal to €43 million.
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