Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Support International Business
Total available budget

€ 1,25 million
(€ 416.667 quarterly available until 30 September 2021)

Available budget per application
€2,500 (ex. VAT)
Mandatory co-financing?

The SIB Coaching voucher is intended to stimulate international business or starting one. You can use the voucher for personal guidance by an RVO approved coach, or choose a coach who meets their conditions. In three to five meetings, the coach will give you the tools to start doing business abroad. Together, you will work on an Internationalisation-strategy action plan.

Target group

Dutch SME entrepreneurs, including from the creative industries, with little or no experience in the area of international business.

Application conditions
  • You are registered with the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel).
  • You are an independent entrepreneur without personnel, or your company has fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of no more than €50 million and/or an annual balance sheet less than or equal to €43 million.
  • Last year, no more than 25% of all sales of your company went abroad, or your company has been registered with the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) for less than five years.
  • You have not previously received a coaching voucher.
  • Any de minimis aid received from the government may be a maximum of €200,000 in this year and the two previous tax years.
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